Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Other terminal multiplexers

Other text-mode multiplexers offer similar functionality. These include:

  • splitvt: Split terminal utility.
  • Twin: Twin (standing for "Text mode WINdow environment") is a full-fledged window manager for text windows. Initially started as an MS-DOS project, it was later ported to Linux.[3][4][5]
  • dvtm: Tiling window management for the console.
  • tmux: A modern GNU Screen workalike; it is BSD-licensed, allows multiple panes (with optional Xterm mouse support), and has a scriptable command interface.[6][7][8] tmux aimed to allow the sharing of a single window between multiple terminals, while keeping the other windows in the same session entirely separate.[9] tmux has been part of the OpenBSD base system since 2009's version 4.6.[10]
  • Byobu: Byobu is a profile and configuration utilities for GNU Screen. In May 2009 screen-profiles was renamed Byobu.
  • neercs: neercs ("screen" spelled backwards) is a GNU screen workalike. It supports window thumbnailing and graphical animated screensavers. It also supports 3D console switching (switching between consoles mapped to the faces of a cube) via the libcaca ASCII art library.

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